Taiwan Cement Heping Plan Masterplanning
Taiwan Cement Heping Plan Masterplanning
和平良圓 Virtuous Garden
從花東的山脈開發到環境復育的生態意識, 2020和平新願景的展望,是一個良性循環的永續園區,
From sustainable development in the Hualien/East coast area to intentional environmental protection and revival, the goal of Virtuous Garden is to create a sustainable circular community for Heping (Peace) Village, Haulien, where a major garbage burning plant is located. All of the architectural decisions are founded on the circular vision and the reflection of richness in the natural landscape. Through an environmental system planning, our proposal hopes to improve the interdependent relationship among nature, economy, disposal, and communities.
Through an innovative and groundbreaking plan, we hope to transform Heping Village’s role and propose a world-leading environmental park. Not only would the Garden serve as a spectacle and landmark along the east coast of Taiwan, but it is also a model for industrial developers to consider a more sustainable and far-seeing approach to preserving our ecological heritage in developments and to implementing our awareness of the global climate crisis. Moreover, the proposal allocates a section for the display of Tairoko indigenous history and culture. This holistic approach to planning is our attempt at revitalizing Heping Village and hope for all future developments.
Status: on-going proposal
Year: 2019
Project Leader: Eric
Client: Taiwan Cement Corporation