




Our Story

  • 獲獎無數的MAUD思瑞建築與都市規劃有限公司來自英國倫敦,亞洲總部設立於台灣台北,國際團隊成員國籍背景多元,正如MAUD思瑞建築以多面向設計見長。開業至今,MAUD思瑞建築已服務過國內外 一線客戶,協助開發超過218萬平米完工樓地板面積。

    1. 總體都市計畫
    2. 建築設計
    3. 景觀設計
    4. 室內設計
    5. 工程管理
    6. 建築代銷工具
    7. 軟裝燈具設計
    8. 外牆節能與室內永續設計


    不同的文化背景促成 MAUD 思瑞建築對於獨特性的精準掌握,同時也更為珍視在地精神,並由此出發連結全球市場。 我們在建築設計上妥善運用高科技,以達成生態永續的目標,創造利己利他、與自然共生的和諧循環,並以此回應MAUD 思瑞建築創立的初心:

    Building an Inspirational Future Vision 建築一個啟發性的未來。


    Established in 2014 in Taiwan under the leadership of Managing Director Max Chimin Yang, MAUD is a distinguished architectural firm. We have received accolades for our work and are proud to have a team of 52 designers with diverse international backgrounds in architecture, landscape, and interior design.

    Our collaborations extend to global corporations, developers, and private enterprises, where we push the boundaries of architecture and contribute to the future of city master planning. Our expertise shines through our capability in creating innovative designs.

    Our projects have left an imprint across South East Asia, Europe, and North America. With a portfolio exceeding 2.18 million square meters of project space, we have proudly served our international clientele

  • 我們在乎設計,也在乎客人的感受。「互信、暸解、溝通」,是MAUD思瑞建築一直以來的企業待客之道。 每個案子,我們竭誠地與客戶積極對談、深入瞭解他們的需要,再與MAUD思瑞建築的DNA融合,最終展現於每個獨一無二的作品成果中。

    透過良好的互動與溝通,我們與客戶建立如家人般互相信賴的關係,也因此,MAUD思瑞建築在過去10年內, 締造重複案件與顧客回流率高達92%的優異表現。與客戶合作,對我們來說,就是與家人一同齊心協力,完成一件事。


    As a dependable and accountable architectural firm, MAUD places significant emphasis on maintaining continuous dialogue and collaboration with our clients to ensure seamless operations and successful outcomes. We seamlessly integrate our clients' requirements and suggestions into our design process, tailoring the most fitting design plans.

    In each project, our objective is to cultivate a strong client relationship, establishing reliable communication channels and fostering a profound trust in our team. Throughout our consistent eight years of operation in both London and Taipei, we proudly hold a 92% rate of repeat and referred projects within our client base.

  • 我們在英國、台北和台中設有據點,服務 客戶遍及歐洲、東南亞和台灣。在英國、 法國、台灣、馬來西亞和泰國等地皆有執 行大型專案的豐富經驗,熟悉東西方市場異同、了解新興市場趨勢。在全球化環境 下,我們對文化進口、建築投資出口和全球化經濟皆有獨家見解和應對策略。


    Our head office is located in London, England and our Asia branch in Taipei, Taiwan. MAUD operates commercial and private projects throughout South East Asia, Europe, and North America.

  • 橫跨歐亞兩地的經營經驗與國際背景,讓 MAUD思瑞建築在世界政經 局與媒體科技的快速變動下,仍具備迅速反應與適應的絕佳能力。我們深入本土,也掌握全球市場的脈絡走向;尤其在全球與地方的界線逐漸模糊的當下,我們相信,了解在地文化,並理解該文化與全球市場之間 的連帶關係,是設計能否成功的主要關鍵。


    At MAUD, we embrace an appreciation and deep understanding of the global architecture market. This approach enables us to offer a more comprehensive and adaptable future vision for our built environment. Our philosophy finds its roots in Max Yang's vision of fostering a flourishing relationship between technology and sustainability. By integrating modern systems, our designs resonate with the prevailing trends within the global architecture industry.

  • 多年來的專業經驗,讓 MAUD 思瑞建築發展出獨有的企業特色:
    1. 採用現代化的建築生產科技,優化建築永續效率,讓使用效能極大化。
    2. 優異的設計整合團隊,由裡而外全方位思考,照料設計的每一個細節。
    3. 擅長將基地劣勢重新思考,運用創意將缺點轉為賣點。
    4. 將業主所託付的案子視為已任,悉心設計。


    MAUD stands out as an innovative force in our field. We strategically invest in and leverage cutting-edge architectural information and design technologies to facilitate a seamless optimization process, leading to heightened performance. Our multidisciplinary design team covers all dimensions of the built environment. Communication remains constant across our in-house architectural, landscape, and interior designers, ensuring a cohesive approach. We immerse ourselves in our clients' perspectives, treating each project with a personal touch. Furthermore, we meticulously analyze every site context, transforming challenges into opportunities for advancement.

  • 我們的建築設計團隊由52名成員組成, 緊密相連而存在。多元化創新的合作總能激發無限想像力,突破常規,靈感激盪。 在每個項目中擁有獨特的視角,承諾且重視每個聲音。 我們正在創造一個無限發展的空間,為建築注入豐富的境界。


    Step into our dynamic architecture firm, a tightly knit team of 52 individuals. Our diverse and inclusive group fuels creativity, infusing every project with unique perspectives. With a commitment to innovation, we break free from norms, delivering designs that inspire. Valuing each voice, we create a space where collaboration thrives, resulting in architectural brilliance that pushes boundaries.